Not only do I read & blog about books but I also listen to quite a few book related podcasts. Last week I was listening to a Radio 4 Books and Authors episode which was recorded at Cardiff Library.
The episode discussed the history, culture & future of Welsh writing, so imagine how happy I was to discover a few days later via Twitter that Cardiff is looking at getting it's own Book Festival scheduled for October next year. This is great news not only because Cardiff is a beautiful thriving multi-cultural city but it also just so happens to be on my doorstep.
Brian Meechan & Cerith Mathias
The launch of Cardiff Book Festival happened this week at Cardiff Library and is the brain child of Cerith Mathias, Anna Day & Brian Meechan. and featured speakers Brian Meechan, Lleucu Siencyn, Ifor Ap Glyn & Dan Tyte who read a short story entitled Onwards from his book Rarebit
Dan Tyte
Currently the festival is in the really early stages so I am super excited to see how this grows & develops. The team is currently crowd funding so for more details & your opportunity to support this event you can do so here INDEGOGO.
Also for updates follow @cardiffbookfest on Twitter.
Lleucu Siencyn
Pictures kindly provided by Hannah Jones @workingwordpr